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Magner, Dr Brigid

My research focuses on literary geographies, particularly in relation to Australian and New Zealand literary works. I am increasingly interested in representations of sexism and

Summertime: Reflections on a vanishing future

Celermajer, Danielle. Professor

I am interested in the following questions: How might we understand the connection between the character of ethical relationships between human and non-human animals, and

Evans, Dr Brodie

My research examines discourse, law and public policy, and political activism, in relation to issues of social and criminal justice. I have a particular interest

Brooks Pribac, Dr Teya

Evolutionary thanatology, animal emotion, cognition and psyche, human-nonhuman animal relations, animal self-determination and liberation

Gildfind, Dr. Helen

I am a writer interested in how psychology, philosophy and literature understand and represent human and animal experience.

Stapp-Gaunt, Andraya

I am a Maori-Dutch Ph.D. student writing about human and nonhuman connectedness. My PhD is practice-led research in creative writing with an exegesis as an

Blackman, Simone

I am finishing a PhD on the role and effectiveness of regulation in dog breeding.

Maxwell, Garth

Animal lover, with continued fascination for animal intelligence and how that relates to our own animality/humanity. Working on cinematic and drama projects that also include

Szydlowski, Dr Michelle

Michelle holds a PhD in Anthrozoology, and teaches university in the US. Her ongoing research focuses on Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Nepal, and how

Filipczyk, Elena

MPhil student at the University of Wollongong with a particular interest in interspecies violence, ecofeminism, and the intersections between animal studies and indigenous studies.

Fraser, Dr Lucy

My research looks at fairy tale retellings in Japanese and English. Having published a monograph on new versions of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid”,

Julia Harpur sketch

Harpur, Julia

I’m an undergraduate student in Fine Arts and Media & Communication at the University of Tasmania, interested in how the non-human world is represented.

Geber-Mérida, Dr Tarik

I am currently researching the influence of imperialism on human-animal relations inside Japanese history. I am also interested in the ways of ascribing agency to

Ahmadizadeh, Anita

I am currently a PhD candidate with uTas researching the role of animals in children’s literature and the social implications of this early childhood socialization

Borrell, Dr Sally

Sally Borrell’s work focuses on representations of animals in culture, especially postcolonial literature, with particular interests in ecocriticism, posthumanism and anthropomorphism. She is deputy editor

Ralph, Iris

Areas of interest: Animals and plants in literature, Australian literature, Critical Animal Studies, Critical Plant Studies, Ecocriticism

Victoria O'Sullivan

O’Sullivan, Victoria

I am a doctoral candidate in the School of Critical Studies, Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland. Prior to focusing full-time on

Dennis, Samantha

Samantha Dennis is a jewellery and object-based artist working in Launceston, Tasmania. Her studio practice combines the traditional jewellery craft of goldsmithing with ceramics and

Johnstone, Shannon

I am interested in captive animals, visual culture, animals in photography, animals in art, and photography as activism.

Taylor, Dr C. Scott

General research interests: human and non-human animal relationships as they make, shape, condition, use, change, and express spaces. Specific areas of interest: human-cetacean relations; human-companion

Chao, Dr Sophie

I am an environmental anthropologist interested in the intersections of capitalism, ecology, Indigeneity, health, and justice in the Pacific. My theoretical thinking is inspired by

Bromberg, Lev

I am a PhD Candidate at the Melbourne Law School, where I also teach the subject ‘Food Law and Policy’. My research interest is at

Peters, Dr Robbie

I write and do research on pigeon keeping and pigeon racing among men in the poor urban neighbourhoods of Indonesia’s second largest city, Surabaya.

Yerbury, Dr Rachel

Dr Rachel Yerbury (Phd) is a registered psychologist as well as a lecturer and researcher in the School of Psychology and Public Health, La Trobe

McDowall, Sonya

Sonya McDowall is a concurrent PhD and MBA candidate with an interest in animal assisted therapies. In particular: dogs and animal welfare. Her current PhD

Telford, Alison

I’m currently a casting director, but have returned to my first love of writing I am also about to work (in the next 6 months)

Bennison, Dr Rod

Rod Bennison has been involved in animal protection issues since the late 1970s, from the sidelines to being deeply immersed in animal rights activism. His

Phillips, Dr Perdita

Animals in contemporary art; interactions between human and nonhuman worlds; animals in science; critical natural histories; animal vocalisation and bioacoustics; interactions of nonhumans, humans, and

Lascelles, Dr Reem

My interests include research into rabbits, their emotional status and their current exploitation including but not limited to meat and angora farms and slaughtering practices.

Probyn-Rapsey, Professor Fiona

Fiona Probyn-Rapsey is Professor in the School of Humanities and Social Inquiry at the University of Wollongong, Australia. Fiona’s research connects feminist critical race studies and Animal

Dr Kristine Hill

Hill, Dr Kris

Once upon a time I was a plant developmental biology, and before that I was employed within the equestrian industry. Today am working on my

Josh Milburn

Milburn, Dr Josh

I am a Lecturer in Political Philosophy at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom. Most of my research concerns animal ethics, and I currently have

Chen, Dr Peter

Peter Chen teaches media politics, public policy and Australian politics at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. His research interests focus on the relationship between media

Gadenne, Dr Donelle

Research interests: veterinary profession, veganism, critical animal studies, political sociology, sociology of professions, sociology of consumption.

Holly Helprin

Helprin, Holly

In 2018 I completed a Bachelor of Science Majoring in Statistics and Anthropology at Macquarie University, and have previously worked in Market Research. I am

Brenda de Groot

de Groot, Brenda

I am a PhD student in Primatology at UCLA, with a passion for animal ethics and compassionate conservation. As a primatologists, I explore care, affective

Tallam, Priya

I am an architect & urban planner who has applied GIS (geospatially intelligent systems-services) to a variety of region and state-wide public service & water

Shaw, Rosemary

I am a PhD candidate at Griffith University. The focus of my thesis is animals who work and the potential for law reform of the

Mewes, Alannah

My PhD thesis is on the representation of horses and their agency in eco feminist YA horse fiction – to simplify, addressing the unrealistic expectations

Archer-Lean, Dr Clare

I am currently looking at the shifts in animal representations in recent Australian (particularly female authored) fiction. I am interested also in the ways representations

Angelica Ramoutar

Ramoutar, Angelica

I am a Master’s student in the Faculty of Geography and Environment at The University of Western Ontario. I recently graduated from the University of

Allatson, Paul. A/Prof

Paul is a cultural studies scholar who has published widely in the areas of Latin@ and transamerican cultural studies, postcolonial theory, sexuality studies, media studies,

Young, Dr Tracy

Tracy Young is a lecturer with the Department of Education at Swinburne University in Melbourne with a history of continuous engagement with the early childhood

Hamalainen, Oliver

Oliver Hamalainen is a Narrm (Melbourne) born and based artist who works across video, performance and sculpture. His practice uses the body as the site

Coronel, Davita

I am a PhD candidate at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Deakin University, Melbourne. I am also a presenter for the animal

Howarth, Gill

I am currently working towards a PhD in Anthrozoology with the University of Exeter and I am interested in all aspects of human animal studies.

Travers, Cheryl

Raising the importance of protecting existing wildlife populations in local urban planning;   working collaboratively to help set-up ‘Safe Beds for Pets’ on the Central

Dale, Elizabeth

Theology, literary studies, cultural history, comparative religion. Student in the Master of Divinity course, University of Divinity. Completing a doctoral thesis entitled “A Theology of

Lunney, Dr Daniel

My research interests focus on zoology, wildlife ecology, and wildlife management.

Ellis, Elizabeth

Elizabeth taught law at the University of Wollongong from 1997 to 2009. She introduced the subject Animal Law in 2008 which she taught until 2016.

Dalzell, Dr Fiona

As a veterinary surgeon and a philosopher, I am particularly interested in the moral lives of animals. I am working on the construction of a

Erin Jones book cover

Jones, Dr Erin

My main focus is canine agency and consent. I am an interdisciplinary researcher and my forthcoming book (CRC Press) Constructing Canine Consent: Conceptualising and adopting

Stefanou, Tina

I am an undisciplined visual artist, performer, vocalist, and researcher who is developing methods, approaches and practices in ‘voice in the expanded field.’ This includes

O’Sullivan, Dr Siobhan

Siobhan is Lecturer in Social Policy at the University of New South Wales (UNSW).  She presents a regular podcast, Knowing Animals, on all things animal and ethics

Le Deunff, Hélène

My research is on multi-species participation in waterworlding, with a particular interest for the study of animals participation in the management of access to drinking

Borrie, Associate Professor Bill

Associate Professor Bill Borrie is a conservation social scientist who is fascinated by human-nature relationships. For many years he has researched the wild, wilderness areas,

Dillon-Murray, Angela

I have an interest in various areas including advocacy to increase veganism and improving the world for wildlife and many other areas but I had

Franklin, Anita

Currently an accredited mental health social worker in private practice and also studying my PhD “A qualitative exploration of the impact of the human-nonhuman interaction

Sweet Spots book cover

Sempert, Mattie

As a creative writer (PhD Creative Writing) and clinician (I practice East Asian medicine), I am on a dogged mission to discover writerly ways to

Ciecierska-Holmes, Natalia

I am on a joint PhD program between the University of Adelaide and the University of Nottingham. I have a background in social sciences and

Laird, Dr Tessa

I am interested in more-than-human perception, and the invocation of animal subjectivities in visual art, literature and film. Most recently I have extended Derrida’s literary

Power, Euge

I am a student of philosophy at the ANU. I am interested in rights, duties and ethical issues which arise due to human capabilities to

Williams, Professor Linda

A long-stranding research interest in human-animal relations- especially from the position of the environmental humanities , and a long publication /teaching/curatorial record in this field.

Neumark, Norie. Professor

“Working with Worms” is my current practice- based research work in progress, in collaboration with Maria Miranda. In this project, we are working with worms

Simone Lyons

Lyons, Dr Simone

Interdisciplinary scholar with interests in writing and human–animal relations, especially representations of dogs and human–dog relationships in life writing

Pini, Gial

I am currently enrolled as a PhD student in an Architecture Department researching the postwar design of exhibition environments—the display of live animals in zoos,

Watt, Dr Yvette

My primary research interests are in the relationship between how nonhuman animals are depicted and what this might have to say about how these animals

Bockstal, Marlies

My PhD research focuses on purebred dog breeding practices in Aotearoa New Zealand. By drawing from key components of intersectional (eco)feminist, posthumanist and critical animal

Groizard, Justine

In my research I consider how animals and people can become entangled in social, political and emotional contention as a result of different beliefs around

Chang, Darren

Darren Chang is a PhD student at the University of Sydney, in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy and Sydney Environment Institute. His current

do Campo, Fernando

I am an artist and academic, working through studio, publishing and curatorial models of production. My work investigates the histories of non-human animal introductions (particularly

Vegan Living

Sherman, Ondine

Ondine is the Co-founder and Managing Director of Voiceless, the animal protection institute, and a life-long animal advocate, passionate about promoting respect and compassion for

Enchanted Forests Book Cover

Sax, Dr Boria

I have been publishing often on animal-related interests since the early 1980s, and have covered a very considerable range of themes and topics. I very

Lis, Natalie

I am a PhD Candidate at the University of Queensland in the School of Architecture. My research is focused on human-built avian architecture. I research

koalas at Meredith

Schlagloth, Dr Rolf

Rolf Schlagloth is koala researchers and educator who believes in the power of the koala as a flagship species for changing the world into a

Bellamy, Dr Desmond

Cannibalism; Animal studies; Cultural studies; Ethics Casual PETA staffer. Member of various organisations including UMAPS and Melbourne University Vegan Society Completed on PhD thesis: “If you’re gonna dine

Thomson, Kate

An artist working in sculpture, performance and conservation. creating work which engages with interspecies relationships between creatures such as spiders, snow leopards and humans.

Tulloch, Lynley

My PhD research focused on exploring ideologies of nature. I critically analysed the way nature is represented in specific social /historical configurations . I also

McKay, Dr Laura Jean

Laura Jean McKay is the author of The Animals in That Country (Scribe, 2020) and Holiday in Cambodia (Black Inc. 2013), shortlisted for three national book awards

Atlas, Bianka

LLM Hons, Animal Law (Lewis & Clark), MSc Childhood Studies (University of Edinburgh), BA, LLB Hons (University of Auckland)

Major, Emily

Currently, Emily is researching for her PhD in Human-Animal Studies at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand (affiliated with the New Zealand Centre

McDonell, Dr Jennifer

Jennifer McDonell is a Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of School at the University of New England (Australia). Jennifer’s research interests include the perceptions of

Cardilini, Dr Adam

I am an environmental scientist working on questions related to ecology, conservation and society. I am most interested in: i) how concern for Animals informs

Matsaert, Natasha 

I have carried out research on the embodied experiences of breastfeeding for vegan women, which explored connections with cows in the dairy industry, and on

Russell, Dr Denise

I was the founding editor and managing editor of Animal Issues, a journal covering a wide range of topics related to human/animal interactions, now incorporated into Society

Hendershott, Dr Rebecca

Having come from a ‘hard’ science background (ecology and evolutionary biology) and then moving on to animal behavioural science (primatology) for my postgraduate degrees, I

Briggs, Robert

• Cultural theory (post-structuralism, deconstruction, posthumanism) • Continental philosophy (Derrida, Foucault, Arendt, Lyotard, Hegel and Nietzsche) • Biopolitics, political philosophy, animal politics • Environmental humanities,

Kotzmann, Dr Jane

My research is in the area of animal rights, and in particular the potential extension of international human rights to non-human animals. I am also

Eunji, Elma

I am a panelist for animal flourishment conference and my research looks at death of dogs in Korea.

Wadiwel, Associate Professor Dinesh

Dinesh is an Associate Professor in human rights and socio-legal studies, with a background in social and political theory. Dinesh is author of The War

White, Dr Steven

Steven teaches and researches in the area of animal law. He uses the literature of animal law, animal ethics, regulation and animal protection policy to

Phillips, Dr Georgia Rose

I am a writer (fiction, non-fiction, poetry etc.), researcher, and teacher. My literary work, research and pedagogical methods are concerned with, and informed by animal

Imazu, Yuri

I recently finished my master’s thesis, which focused on ethnographic research conducted at both a farmed animal sanctuary and a ranch dedicated to retired (race)horses.

Carrie Tiffany book cover

Tiffany, Dr Carrie

I began my working life as a park ranger in the NT and Victoria. I am currently an independent researcher, writer, editor and teacher of

Suann, Joshua

I am particularly interested in evolutionary biology, animal communications, interspecies communications, behaviours and psychology. Currently in my final semester of my bachelor of creative industries

Ison, Dr Jessica

Critical Animal Studies, Queer Theory, prison abolition, critical criminology, Gender Studies, Sociology, Sexual Violence Prevention

Cai, Shasha

I am a PhD candidate in the School of English at the University of Leeds. My PhD research centres on exploring human-animal relationships within late

Crossley, Dr Émilie

I am currently conducting a multi-sited multispecies ethnography of Ezo red foxes (Vulpes vulpes schrencki) involved in the tourism industry in Japan. This research aims

Hooper, Jes

Jes Hooper is an Anthrozoology PhD candidate at the University of Exeter and a member of Exeter’s Anthrozoology as Symbiotic Ethics (EASE) working group. Jes’

Caitlin Anderson

Anderson, Caitlin

Caitlin Anderson is undertaking a PhD in the School of Art, Communication and English at The University of Sydney. Her doctoral research, which focuses on

Brady, Francesca

I am a PhD Candidate at the University of New England. My research is dual focused, examining horse-human relationships and worker occlusion in the horseracing

Thomsen, Anja

I am researching how other animals are considered in global social progress metrics and investigating emerging perceptions of what progress is for animals. With this

Jane Michaele Cameron

Cameron, Jane

I’m doing a practice based PhD which explores our understanding of emotional response in art by allowing the viewer to experience an aspect of the

Widin, Sam

Sam Widin is a PhD candidate in the Department of History at the University of Sydney. He has taught in the Environmental Humanities and History

Alexander Hill

Hill, Alex

Sociologist researching insect-human relations under anthroparchy, and critically examining the invisibility of creepy crawlies in the social sciences. Broadly interested in species, gender, and veganism.

Moore, Dr Alison

1. Linguistics research – a. counter discourses of meat consumption and factory farming b. conflation of individual and species interests of non-human animals in environmental/

Hsu, Yuping

Yuping Hsu is a Ph.D. candidate in Cinema Studies at Nagoya University. Her research interests is in animal advocacy documentaries in contemporary Asia. Her current

Clode, Associate Professor Danielle

Danielle Clode is a narrative nonfiction writer whose writing over the last 30 years has made significant contributions to public understanding of Australian science, nature

McEvoy, Taylor

My research focuses on wild boar (Sus scrofa), one of the most villainised introduced species globally and within Australia. My goal is to recontextualize their

Jessica Tselepy

Tselepy, Jessica

Jessica’s primary professional interest lies in reconceptualising and reforming the treatment of non-human animals in both national legislation and international instruments. Jessica has received the

Nguni cow

Glover, Dr Michael

Michael researches in the broad field of animal history but focusses on centering animals and including their subjective experiences. His primary research interests are cattle

Cushing, Associate Professor Nancy

Dr Nancy Cushing is an environmental historian who is examining the underlying beliefs and aims that led, by the end of the colonial period, to

Love Notes Cover

McKibbin, Philip

I am a writer from Aotearoa New Zealand, of Pākehā (NZ European) and Māori (Ngāi Tahu) descent. I am a PhD candidate in the Department

Jedzok, Dariusz

Researching the Anthropocene, evolutionary psychology, and animal cognition.

Singer, Dr Hayley

Hayley Singer is a Lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Melbourne. She teaches creative nonfiction and contemporary ecological fictions. She writes essays on

S. Marek Muller

Muller, Dr Marek

Dr. S. Marek Muller was born and raised in Denver, CO. Since then, they have lived and taught all around the world in locations ranging

Sadokierski, Associate Professor Zoë

Zoë Sadokierski is a designer, writer, educator and Associate Professor in Visual Communication at the UTS School of Design. Her practice-based research investigates ways visual storytelling

Armstrong, Philip. Professor

My current research involves analysis of nature, and animals in particular, as expressed in cultural representations and practices, especially literature, and especially in the contexts

Marika Bell

Bell, Marika

I graduated from the University of Exeter’s Anthrozoology Masters program in 2016 and since I have been working in Animal Welfare as a board member

Allemant, Pedro

I have been interested in animals since childhood—this connection built on my empathy and sensibility to animals along with my life.  I’m a musician artivist

Villanueva, Dr Gonzalo

Gonzalo Villanueva conducts research in the interdisciplinary fields of history, political science, sociology, and human-animal studies. His PhD thesis ‘A Voice for Animals: The Creation, Contention,

Bergmann, Dr Iris

Iris is researching thoroughbred welfare models espoused by the thoroughbred industry and by animal protection advocates. The thoroughbred industry is treated as a case study

Connor, Dr Andrea

I have been researching the cultural geographies of the Australian White Ibis for some years with colleague Associate Professor Paul Allatson. It is a joint

Smaill, Dr Belinda

I am a film and screen studies scholar with an interest in nonfiction screen media, animals and eco cinema. I have numerous articles examining the

Motta, Ana Paula

I am currently looking into human-animal interactions in Kimberley rock art and the effects animal had for the construction of social identity of Indigenous Australians.

A/Prof Daniel Ramp

Ramp, Associate Professor Daniel

Daniel Ramp is a conservation biologist with an interest in landscape ecology, behavioural ecology, road ecology, and wildlife-human interactions. At the core of his research

Krylova, Katya

Currently, Katya is working on her PhD thesis “More-than-human Tongues: Talking Animals and Their Agencies in Technocultural Networks.” Her research focuses on the ethical issues

Parker, Christine. Professor

Professor Parker’s current research focuses on the politics, ethics and regulation of food. She is working on an ARC Discovery Project grant with Dr Gyorgy

Gentile and Fierce

Berry, Vanessa

I am a writer of urban place, with a particular interest in how non-human animals are present in city environments, and shape human understandings of

Boyde, Dr Melissa

I am the founder and chief editor of the Animal Studies Journal, and co-editor, with Fiona Probyn-Rapsey and Yvette Watt, of the Animal Publics book series published by

Jane Mummery & Debbie Rodan, 2022, Imagining New Human-Animal Futures in Australia, Peter Lang, London DOI:10.3726/b15437

Rodan, A/Professor Debbie

My field of research is Media & Cultural Studies, currently I am focusing on public attitudes to animal welfare and activism using digital media for

Koolen-Bourke, Dr Deidre

My current research interest is in examining the hegemonic processes that operate to insulate existing legal frameworks against reform and the processes by which legal

Freeman, Dr Carol

Broadly, I am interested in the representation of animals in any medium – scientific literature, film, wildlife documentaries, contemporary and historical writing, fiction and advertising.

Dibelka, Alex

I focus primarily in what can be called Continental Animal Philosophy. Within this sphere I study the question concerning the animal in Deleuze, Derrida, Heidegger,

Potts, Annie. Professor

Professor Annie Potts (PhD Psychology, BSc) is Cultural Studies Programme Coordinator and Co-Director of the New Zealand Centre for Human-Animal Studies at Canterbury University, Aotearoa

Turnbull, Helen

I foster eastern grey kangaroo EGK joeys on NSW South Coast. I take them in at approx 550g and raise them to approx 4.5kg which

Potts, Dr Miriam

Companion animal studies; Bird-human relations in urban areas of south-eastern Australia; Printmaking (visual arts); making; creative approaches to research

Taylor, Nik Professor

Dr. Nik Taylor is a critical and public sociologist whose research focuses on mechanisms of power and marginalisation expressed in/through human relations with other species

Valender, Jen

Jen Valender is a Naarm/Melbourne based artist whose academic background is in visual arts and sociology, which drives her research into the cross-sections between art

Josephine Browne

Browne, Dr Josephine

Josephine’s research focuses on sociological and literary challenges to dominant discourses obscuring violence in human relations with other animals. She is a former social welfare

Leth-Espensen, Marie

I am a sociologist and doctoral student at the Department of Sociology of Law at Lund University in Sweden. My research engages with the subject

Lembryk, Sharri

Thesis title: Relational Epistmic Injustice: An Animal Approach to Knowing My PhD project aims to develop a theory of relational injustice, a dual ethical/epistemic concept

Chantelle Bayes

Bayes, Dr Chantelle

I am a creative writer and ECR working in urban ecocriticism. My recent research has been looking at human/other animal relationships in literature/creative writing.

Aiello, Dr Thomas

My animal related research focuses in particular on public manifestations of speciesism. I have written on the historical relationship between speciesism and racism in the

Eisa Hermanoff

Hermanoff, Eisa

Eisa Hermanoff is a graduate student in International Relations at the University of Lapland and a member of the Network for Critical Animal Studies in

Simon Lumsden

Lumsden, Associate Professor Simon

Simon Lumsden is Associate Professor of philosophy. He has been a DAAD research fellow at the Free University, Berlin and held an Australian Research Council

Carol Gigliotti

Gigliotti, Professor Emeritus Carol

Carol Gigliotti, PhD, is an author, artist, vegan, animal activist, and scholar whose work focuses on animals as creative and cultural beings. Her award-winning book,

Chrulew, Dr Matthew

Matthew is a Senior Research Fellow in Writing and Cultural Studies in the School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry at Curtin University. He

van Dooren, Thom. A/Professor

Thom van Dooren is Associate Professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow in the School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry and the Sydney Environment Institute, University

Mellor-Stuart, Joanne

I am currently researching the Darling River and Menindee Lakes area in North West NSW which is dealing with the plight of mismanagement of water

Madalynn Madigar

As a master’s student in the environmental humanities, I am interested in critical animal studies and vegan studies and their intersections in the field of

Jeffrey Soar

Soar, Professor Jeffrey

I have a career background in farming/agriculture, laboratory science, ICT and education with qualifications in agriculture, ICT, social science, education and business. Most of my

Considering Animals Book Cover

Leane, Professor Elizabeth

I work at the border of English and Antarctic studies, and often bring Animal Studies into this mix. I have written, among other things, about

Oakey, Myles

Myles Oakey is a settler living and working on the unceded land of the Dharug and Gundungurra people. He is a PhD candidate and sessional

Moore, Dr Gina

Gina Moore has a background in fine arts (drawing, painting and sculpture) and 15 years experience as a 3D animator working mainly in the advertising

De Vos, Dr Rick

Rick De Vos conducts research in anthropogenic extinction, in particular its cultural and historical significance and the way that it is articulated and practiced. He

Narayanan, Dr Yamini

My research has two key foci: (1) the ways in which animals are enmeshed in nation-building narratives and the implications therein for those animals, and

Rissanen, Associate Professor Timo

Associate Professor Timo Rissanen is a fashion and textiles researcher and the UTS academic lead of the UTS/TAFE NSW Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Fashion

mowson, lynn

Dr lynn mowson is a sculptor whose practice is driven by the entangled relationships between human and non-human animals, in particular agricultural animals and the

Rizzo, Daniela

Daniela is an Associate Lecturer in Systematic Theology at Alphacrucis University College. She is currently completing her PhD in animal theology and pneumatology. Her research

Pritchard, Dr Greg

I am interested in using my artistic skills and knowledge to find ways to show that other species are not different to us and that

Lennox, Dr Rowena

Rowena Lennox is the author of Dingo Bold: the life and death of K’gari dingoes (Sydney University Press, 2021) and Fighting Spirit of East Timor:

Caulfield, Dr Malcolm

Malcolm Caulfield has spent most of his working life as a scientist. He qualified as a lawyer in 2002, and fairly shortly after that became

Queer Entanglements

Fraser, A/Prof Heather

Heather Fraser is an Associate Professor in Social Work at Queensland University of Technology, a career that has spanned three decades. Ten years ago, after

Kelly, Dr Madeleine

Madeleine Kelly is an artist and senior lecturer at Sydney College of the Arts, USyd. Her practice-led research is based on the broad interdisciplinary field

Pyke, Dr Susan

Sue teaches with the University of Melbourne’s creative writing program and Indigenous studies program. Her most recent scholarly work, Animal Visions: Posthumanist Dream Writing, was

Fijn, Dr Natasha

Natasha has been awarded a mid-career ARC Future Fellowship, enabling her to conduct four years of research on ‘A Multispecies Anthropological Approach to Influenza’. She

Le Beau, Nellie

Nellie Le Beau is the author of the collection Inheritance,  winner of the P&W Prize for a First Book of Poetry. Nellie’s writing appears in

Johnston, Professor Jay

Jay Johnston FAHA is Professor in Religion within the School of Humanities at the University of Sydney. Her research encompasses theories of human–animal relations and

m Beck

Beck, Maris

Maris is researching business-based approaches to racehorse welfare, as a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney. Her academic background is in political science. She

McEwan, Dr Alexandra

I teach Equity and Trusts in CQUniversity’s undergraduate law program. My research centres on animal protection law, framed in terms of human obligations to other

Sarah Oxley Heaney

Heaney, Sarah Oxley

Sarah Oxley Heaney Ph.D. Candidate University of Exeter, UK   Sarah is a fourth-year (PT) Anthrozoology PhD candidate at the University of Exeter.

Rutledge-Prior, Dr Serrin

I am currently completing a research Masters in the School of Politics and International Relations at the ANU under the supervision of Keith Dowding and

Murphy, Michelle

Michelle is an historian undertaking her PhD on the Beaumaris Zoo at Battery Point, Hobart, (1901-1921) which examines the unique narratives forged from the interactions

Sutton, Dr Zoei

Dr Zoei Sutton is a sociologist interested in critical, nonhuman animal-centric research. Her dissertation examined the lived experience of human-companion animal entanglements, utilising species inclusive

Deutsch, Dr Eric A.

My research analyzes and historicizes the growth of and popular representations of the guide dog movement in the United States during the interwar period vis-à-vis

Making Sense of 'Food' Animals Book Cover

Arcari, Dr Paula

Understanding how to challenge habitual ways of thinking and acting about nonhuman animals is the central focus of my research. I am particularly interested in

Dr Muhammad Kavesh

Dr Muhammad Kavesh is an Australian Research Council’s Discovery Early Career Research Award fellow, affiliated with the School of Culture, History, and Language, at the

White, Courtney

A little about me: Courtney White is a PhD student in Media and Communications at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Her research interests lie in effective

Claudia Hirtenfelder

Hirtenfelder, Claudia

I am a PhD Candidate in Geography and Planning at Queen’s University doing research that sits at the intersections of urban political economy and environmental

Manetto Quick, Madelena

I am currently working on my PhD thesis that focuses on the more-than-human worlds of farms and farm animal sanctuaries. My project explores how the

Horsfall, Shannon

Current undertaking PhD study with a focus on the subversion of traditional folktales and Disney fairy tales using feminist ecocritical theory. The research and creative

Fiona De Rosa

De Rosa, Fiona

I am a PhD Candidate at UniSA and an urban planner/consultant with an interest in how companion animals are included into urban environments, and we

Doyle, Dr Briohny

Briohny Doyle is the author of three novels Why We Are Here, Echolalia and The Island Will Sink, all of which explore, to varying degrees,

Hayward, Louise

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Exeter, investigating the use of markers and monitors in wildlife research. I am using social research

Steinhardt, Margarita

I am a PhD Candidate with a passion for felids. My research looks at affective human-field entanglements in the contexts of ecotourism and conservation. I

Carlin, Clare

PhD research: new nature writing and non-human voices in the novel; Ed. Pieced Work, digital arts publication

O’Dwyer, Dr Lisel

Positive training methods, ethics in horsemanship, horse training and horse husbandry, changes in human attitudes toward animals after using positive training methods, attachment to pets,