Sutton, Z. (2020). Researching towards a critically posthumanist future: on the political “doing” of critical research for companion animal liberation. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy.
Sutton, Z., & Taylor, N. (2019). Managing the Borders: Static/Dynamic Nature and the ‘Management’of ‘Problem’Species. Parallax, 25(4), 379-394.
Sutton, Z. (2019). Jacob Bull, Tora Holmberg and Cecilia Åsberg, editors, Animal Places: Lively Cartographies of Human-Animal Relations. Routledge, 2018. 276pp. Animal Studies Journal, 8(1), 231-233.
Freedom of Species Interview (Community radio) ‘Animal liberation and pets’ 25/11/2018
Taylor, N., & Sutton, Z. (2018). For an emancipatory animal sociology. Journal of Sociology, 54(4), 467-487.
Taylor, N., Sutton, Z., & Wilkie, R. (2018). A sociology of multi-species relations.Journal of Sociology, 54(4), pp. 463-466
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Sutton, Z. (2014) “‘It’s not me, it’s you.’ The problem with Breed Specific Legislation”, available at