Sutton, Dr Zoei

Research Officer, The University of Adelaide
Co-founder, International Association of Vegan Sociologists
Sociology & Animals Thematic Group Co-convener, The Australian Sociological Association
Book Review Editor, Society & Animals Journal

Research interests / activities

Dr Zoei Sutton is a sociologist interested in critical, nonhuman animal-centric research. Her dissertation examined the lived experience of human-companion animal entanglements, utilising species inclusive methods to centre nonhuman animals’ experiences and encourage critical reflection on them. Other recent projects have examined the construction of “pest” species in print media and the treatment of nonhuman animals in sociological literature. Underlying this research is a commitment to research that is for nonhuman animals, rather than merely about them.


Sutton, Z. (2020). Researching towards a critically posthumanist future: on the political “doing” of critical research for companion animal liberation. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy.

Sutton, Z., & Taylor, N. (2019). Managing the Borders: Static/Dynamic Nature and the ‘Management’of ‘Problem’Species. Parallax, 25(4), 379-394.

Sutton, Z. (2019). Jacob Bull, Tora Holmberg and Cecilia Åsberg, editors, Animal Places: Lively Cartographies of Human-Animal Relations. Routledge, 2018. 276pp. Animal Studies Journal, 8(1), 231-233.

Freedom of Species Interview (Community radio) ‘Animal liberation and pets’ 25/11/2018

Taylor, N., & Sutton, Z. (2018). For an emancipatory animal sociology. Journal of Sociology, 54(4), 467-487.

Taylor, N., Sutton, Z., & Wilkie, R. (2018). A sociology of multi-species relations.Journal of Sociology, 54(4), pp. 463-466

Sutton, Z. (2017) ‘“As long as it’s not dog’ — What the Bali dog meat scandal can tell us about Australian meat eating culture”, available at

Sutton, Z. (2015). My Dog Always Eats First: Homeless People and Their Animals. Review: Sutton, Z. (2015) ‘ My Dog Always Eats First: Homeless People and Their Animals’, Anthrozoös, 28(3) pp.523-524.

Sutton, Z. (2014) “‘It’s not me, it’s you.’ The problem with Breed Specific Legislation”, available at