Pyke, Dr Susan


University of Melbourne

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Research interests / activities

Sue teaches with the University of Melbourne’s creative writing program and Indigenous studies program. Her most recent scholarly work, Animal Visions: Posthumanist Dream Writing, was published with Palgrave Macmillan in 2019. She is general editor for Swamphen, the scholarly journal for ASLEC-ANZ.


Pyke, Susan. 2019. Animal Visions: Posthumanist Dream Writing. London: Palgrave McMillan.
Pyke, Susan. 2018. ‘Reading Irish Animals.' Review of Kathryn Kirkpatrick and Borbála Faragó (eds) Animals in Irish Literature and Culture.’ In Society and Animals. 26 (4): 437-440.
Pyke, Susan. 2018. “Refractive Depths of Passion in Wuthering Heights: Brontë, Buñuel and Beyond Humanism”. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 77: 41-60.
Pyke, Susan. 2017. ‘Citizen Snake: Uncoiling Human Bindings for Life.’ The Materiality of Love: Essays on Affection and Cultural Practice. London: Routledge.
Pyke, Susan. 2017. ‘Cathy's Whip and Heathcliff’s Snarl: Control, Violence, Care and Rights in Brontë's Wuthering Heights.’ Animals in Victorian Literature and Culture: a Collection of Critical Essays. London, New York: Palgrave McMillan.
Pyke, Susan. 2017. ‘Creaturely Shifts: Contemporary Animal Crossings through the Alluring Trace of the Romantic Sublime.' TEXT Journal of Writing and Writing Courses 41 1-19.
Pyke, Susan. 2017. ‘Philosophical Porkies and Truths.’ Review of Freya Mathews Without Animals Life is Not Worth Living and Ardea. In Plumwood Mountain 5:2.
Pyke, Susan. 2015. ‘Spawn of Wuthering Heights’. Writing the Ghost Train. 20th Australasian Association for Writing Programs Conference, Swinburne University, Melbourne.
Pyke, Susan. 2016. 'Divine Wings: Literary Flights between the Cyclic Avian in Emily Brontë's Poems and Oblivia's Swan Song in Alexis Wright's The Swan Book.' Otherness 5:2 255-279.
Pyke, Susan. 2015. ‘Ewes Lying Down with She-wolves.’ Review of Susan Hawthorne’s Lupa and Lamb. In Plumwood Mountain 2:1.
Pyke, Susan. 2015. ‘Dream Writing beyond a Wounded World.’ The Human Place in the Natural World: Essays on Creation and Creatureliness. New York: Fordham University Press.
Pyke, Susan. 2014. ‘Meltemi.’ Australian Love Stories. Ed. Cate Kennedy. Carlton South: Inkerman and Blunt.
Pyke, Susan. 2013. ‘Sensible Spectators: Agape at the Mouth of the Cave.’ Australasian Journal of Ecocriticism and Cultural Ecology 3 np.
Pyke, Susan. 2013. ‘A Windfelled Feast Beyond the Fence.’ Review of Outcrop: Radical Australian Poetry of Land. In Plumwood Mountain 1:1.
Pyke, Susan. 2013. ‘Bovinity.’ Southerly 72:2 134-143.
Pyke, Susan. 2013. ‘Healing Words and the Matter of our Urban and Rural Moor.’ TEXT Journal of Writing and Writing Courses np.

Potential areas for research supervision
Sue supervises students in literary studies, creative writing and Indigenous studies.