Research interests / activities Currently, Katya is working on her PhD thesis "More-than-human Tongues: Talking Animals and Their Agencies in Technocultural Networks." Her research focuses on the ethical issues related to the representation of animals on social media. As a part of this project, Katya is researching specific vocabularies used to voice companion animals on Instagram to speculate on how this practice may influence human-animal relationships and animal wellbeing. Her research interests also include critical studies of cuteness and representation of animals in contemporary art, film and video games.
Outputs Book
The Market of Convenient Animals, a book published by The New Literary Observer Publishing House as a part of the Everyday Culture series, 2022.
Sentient Body: Re-liberation of Dissident Subjectivity through Skinship, Pulse: The Journal of Science and Culture, Volume 8, 2021.
Not in Love and Never Alone: Understanding Neoliberal Intimacies through The Lobster, Film International, Volume 19, Number 2, 1 June 2021.