Milburn, Dr Josh

Josh Milburn

Lecturer in Political Philosophy and British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow

Loughborough University

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Research interests / activities

I am a Lecturer in Political Philosophy at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom. Most of my research concerns animal ethics, and I currently have particular interests in questions about food and food systems; animals in liberal and libertarian political thought; and animals and the ethics of war/violence. McGill-Queen’s University Press published my first book, Just Fodder: The Ethics of Feeding Animals, in 2022. My second book, Food, Justice, and Animals: Feeding the World Respectfully, was published by Oxford University Press in 2023. I have been the primary host the animal studies podcast Knowing Animals since 2020. 


For details about my books, see the links above. For my other publications, including links to open access versions, see

Potential areas for research supervision
Animals in moral, legal, and political philosophy
  • Milburn, Dr Josh
  • Milburn, Dr Josh