Once upon a time I was a plant developmental biology, and before that I was employed within the equestrian industry. Today am working on my second PhD in anthrozoology while building the foundations of a new career – either as an academic, educator, or within a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving the lives of both human and non-human animals. As part of the Exeter Anthrozoology as Symbiotic Ethics (EASE) working group, my doctoral project focuses on cat-human relations and social discourses surrounding free-roaming urban cats. My anthrozoology publications can be accessed here: https://katzenlife.wordpress.com/publications/
I co-organise an international student conference (Anthrozoology as International Practice, AIP), which provides students (including undergraduates) an opportunity to present their research (online), get a feel for the research culture and opportunities, and make connections with peers and potential mentors. I strongly believe that research should always be more than an academic exercise and am co-founder and host The Anthrozoology Podcast. I am passionate about the issue of companion animals and rental accommodation (including nursing homes and temporary shelters) and homelessness. 'Pets In Housing' is a key focus of SCAS, a non-profit organisation dedicated to advocacy and research related to the companion animal-human bond, for which I serve as a volunteer communications officer.
- Email: kh458@exeter.ac.uk
- Orchid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3429-5818
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjXNPjyYouwrmxM3422qghg
- Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS): http://www.scas.org.uk/about/governance-and-staff/kris-hill/
- Anthrozoology as International Practice (AIP): https://anthrozoologyconference.com/programme/
- The Anthrozoology Podcast: https://anthrozoopod.wixsite.com/anthrozoopod