I have a career background in farming/agriculture, laboratory science, ICT and education with qualifications in agriculture, ICT, social science, education and business. Most of my career was spent in ICT in healthcare and public safety with a later move into academia.
My current vegan/animal-welfare-related research projects include:
- AI for microalgae crop management – identification of species
- vegan perceptions with data from Google Trends and HappyCow
- selfishness and meat eating
My non-vegan research includes:
- AI for grid management to increase the contribution of renewables
- AI for medical diagnosis
- AI voice sentiment detection in mental health
- Other research reflected in my papers in Google Scholar and Scopus:
o https://scholar.google.com/scholar?as_ylo=2023&q=jeffrey+soar&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5
I seek collaborators in vegan research including grant applications and HDR supervision to reduce animal exploitation and cruelty.