I am currently looking at the shifts in animal representations in recent Australian (particularly female authored) fiction.
I am interested also in the ways representations and stories around the dingo effect wild life management practice and the diverse perspectives on this enigmatic and charming animal .
Recent publications:
Archer-Lean, C, Wardell-Johnson, A, Conroy, G, and Carter, J, (2015) ‘Representations of the Dingo: contextualising iconicity’ Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, vol 22, no 2 pp181-196.
Archer-Lean, C. Crew, G. (2015) ‘Tracing Practise-Led Research to Locate a ‘Nature’ in Remembering Babylon ‘ submitted to AUMLA: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture (in press)
Archer-Lean, C (2014) ‘David Malouf's Remembering Babylon as a reconsideration of pastoral idealisation’ Journals for the Study of Australian Literature vol 14, no 2, available at http://www.nla.gov.au/openpublish/index.php/jasal/article/view/3310/4040
Archer-Lean, C., Carson, S and Hawkes, L (2013 ) ‘Fiction as a Form of Change’ in Susan Davis (ed.) 2013, Future nature, future culture(s): Peer-reviewed papers for Balance -Unbalance 2013 International Conference, May 31 – June 2, 2013, Noosa, Australia, Noosa Biosphere Limited & CQUniversity Noosa, Noosa, Qld., http://hdl.cqu.edu.au/10018/938596
Archer-Lean, C. (2013) ‘Animals, Fictions, Alternatives’ Social Alternatives Vol 34 no 4 pp3-5.
Archer-Lean, C. (2013) Transnational Impulses as Simulation in Colin Johnson’s (Mudrooroo’s) Fiction Transnational Literature, Vol 5 Issue 2, Available online at http://fhrc.flinders.edu.au/transnational/current.html
Archer-Lean, C. (2013) ’Knowing and Being in Eco-critical Visions of Carpentaria’ The International Journal of Social Sustainability in Economic, Social and Cultural Context, Vol 1 Issue 3 / 4.