Hooper, Jes

Post Graduate Researcher and PhD Candidate in Anthrozoology

University of Exeter

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Research interests / activities

Jes Hooper is an Anthrozoology PhD candidate at the University of Exeter and a member of Exeter’s Anthrozoology as Symbiotic Ethics (EASE) working group. Jes’ current research focuses on human-animal encounters within the trade in exotic wildlife for the pet, coffee, tourism and zoo industries. Jes’ PhD project, The Civet Project (www.thecivetproject.com), is a multi-species and multi-sited ethnography following the stories of Viverridae species entangled within live animal trade, with encounters viewed through a trans-species lens. Jes’s work actively engages with interdisciplinary scholarship including collaborations with visual artists, critical tourism academics, conservationists, and fellow anthrozoologists. Jes' research interests include animal ethics, wildlife trade, extinction narratives, storytelling, and decolonization. She is co-organiser of the Emerging Voices for Animals in Tourism conference and is co-editor on an upcoming book volume of the same name.


Hooper, J., Aiello, T., Hill, K., Szydlowski, M., & Oxley Heaney, S. (2023). Nothing more than ‘anti-cull activists’: Accusations of bias and the politics of research that advocates for non-human animals. Animal Studies Journal, 12 (1). http://hdl.handle.net/10871/133704

Hooper, J. (2023) Thinking with Civets: The Role of Zoos in the Decolonisation of Animal Tourism. Animals. 13 (11): https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13111739

Hooper, J., Linna, M., Kassinen, S., and Salvage, J. (2022) Technologies, Bodies and Faecal Matters: Embodied Empathy with Coffee Producing Civets. Transpositiones. Journal for Transdisciplinary and Intermedial Culture Studies. 1 (2), 73-93: https://doi.org/10.14220/trns.2022.1.2.73

Hooper, J. (2022) Cat-Poo-Chino and Captive Wildlife: Tourist Perceptions of Balinese Kopi Luwak Agrotourism. Society and Animals. Pre-Print: https://brill.com/view/journals/soan/aop/article-10.1163-15685306-bja10094/article-10.1163-15685306-bja10094.xml

Szydlowski, M, Hill, K. Oxley Heaney, S. and Hooper, J. (2022). Domestication and Domination: Human Language as a Tool for Controlling Animal Bodies. TRACE: Journal for Human-Animal Studies. 8 (1): https://doi.org/10.23984/fjhas.110811

Oxley Heaney, S., Hill, k., Szydlowski, M., Hooper, J. and Aiello, T (2022). Members Only? A Posthuman View of Otherthanhuman-Animal Immigrants Across Human-Defined Borders. TRACE: Journal for Human-Animal Studies. 8 (1): https://doi.org/10.23984/fjhas.110388

Hooper, J. (2022) Contamination: The Case of Civets, Companionship, COVID and SARS. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 25 (2), 167-179: https://doi.org/10.1080/10888705.2022.2028627

Hooper, J., Aiello, T. and Hill, K., (2021) Portrayals of Animals during COVID-19 News Media. Anthrozoös. 35 (2), 237-257: https://doi.org/10.1080/08927936.2021.1974703
