Peer Reviewed publications:
Hooper, J., Aiello, T., Hill, Kr., Szydlowski, M., and Oxley Heaney, S. 2023 Nothing More than ‘Anti-Cull Activists’: Accusations of Bias and the Politics of Research that Advocates for Non-Human Animals. Animal Studies Journal. 12(1): 70-95.
Szydlowski, M. 2023 Liminal Beings: On Anthrozoologist and Elephants. University of Exeter/EASE working paper series. University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom. Anthrozoology as International Practice Issue. 1: 269-289. Available at:
Szydlowski, M. 2023 One Stable’s Novel Approach to Mitigating Human-Elephant Conflict Near Chitwan National Park, Nepal. Gajah. 56: 23-29
Szydlowski, M. 2022 Renegotiating citizenship: stories of young rhinos in Nepal. Journal of Ecotourism. 21 (aop)
Szydlowski, M. 2022 Asking Consent from Pachyderm Persons: Facing Ethical Complexities in Multispecies Research. In Animal Life and Human Culture: Anthrozoology Studies. I. Frasin, G. Bodi, S. Bulei, C.D. Vasiliu (eds.). Cluj-Napoca: Presa Unviersitara Clujeana (Cluj University Press).
Szydlowski, M., Hill, K., Oxley Heaney, S., Hooper, J. 2022 Domestication and domination: human terminology as a tool for controlling otherthanhuman animal bodies. TRACE: Journal for Human-Animal Studies. 8(1).
Oxley-Heaney, S., Szydlowski, M., Hill, K. 2022 Members only? A posthuman view of otherthanhuman-animal immigrants across human-defined borders. TRACE: Journal for Human-Animal Studies. 8(1).
Hill, K., Szydlowski, M., Oxley-Heaney, S., & Busby, D. 2022. Uncivilized behaviors: how humans wield “feral” to assert power (and control) over other species. Society & Animals. 30 (online aop), 1-19.
Szydlowski, M. 2022. Elephants in Nepal: correlating disease, tourism, and welfare. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 25 (2): 1-13.
Adhikari, B., Baral, K., Bhandari, S., Szydlowski, M., Kunwar, R.M., Xanthi, S., Neupane, B., Koirala, R.K. 2022. Potential risk zone for anthropogenic mortality of carnivores in Gandaki Province, Nepal. Ecology and Evolution. 12(1).
Szydlowski, M. 2021. Framing Conservation, Colonialism and Care: Captive Endangered Elephants (Elephas maximus) in Nepal. PhD Thesis. United Kingdom: University of Exeter. Available via: Open Research Exeter at
Szydlowski, M. 2018. Literary Anthrozoology. Animalia. 4 (1)
Other Publications:
Szydlowski, M. 2023 Joint Elephant Health Camp in Sauraha, Nepal. Gajah. 56: 44-45
Szydlowski, M. 2023. Happy (m)Other’s Day: Raising Hybrid Kids in a Modern World. Society & Animals. Film Review. 1 (aop 2023): 1-4.
Szydlowski, M. 2020. Set the elephants free. The Nepali Times. November 21, 2020 (not the original title, title changed by editor without consent).
Szydlowski, M. 2020. My Experience Conducting Elephant Research in Nepal. International Society for Anthrozoology. Student Blog.
Szydlowski, M. 2020. Human-pachyderm relations. Featured as one of the ‘20 in 2020’ Postgraduate Researchers to Watch. University of Exeter Research and Innovation Blog.