Fraser, A/Prof Heather

Queer Entanglements

Course Coordinator of Master of Social Work Program

Queensland University of Technology

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Research interests / activities

Heather Fraser is an Associate Professor in Social Work at Queensland University of Technology, a career that has spanned three decades. Ten years ago, after an expose on live export, Heather’s social work expanded to include animals, and since then she has partnered with Nik Taylor (UC, NZ) in many research projects, including the forthcoming book, Queer Entanglements. Intersections of Gender, Sexuality & Animal Companionship. Cambridge University Press (Riggs, Taylor, Fraser, & Rosenberg). Heather identifies as an intersectional vegan feminist and is a senior fellow for Sentient Media.


Riggs, D.W., Rosenberg, S. Fraser, H. & Taylor, N. (2021). Queer Entanglements. Intersections of Gender, Sexuality & Animal Companionship. Cambridge University Press. [Cover image below of my artwork 🙂]

Taylor, N. & Fraser, H. (2019). Companion animals and domestic violence: Rescuing me, rescuing you. London: Palgrave.

Fraser, H. & Seymour, K. (2017). Understanding Violence and Abuse, An Anti-Oppressive Practice Perspective. Winnipeg: Fernwood Press.

Fraser, H. & Taylor, N. (2016). Neoliberalization, Universities and the Public Intellectual: Species, Gender and Class and the Production of Knowledge, London: Palgrave.

Fraser, H. (2008). In the Name of Love, Women’s Narratives of Love and Abuse. Toronto: Women’s Press/Canadian Scholars Press.

Book chapters
Taylor, N. & Fraser, H. (In process) ‘Rescued and loved’: Women, Animal Sanctuaries and Feminism. In E. Cudworth, R. McKie and D. Turgoose, D. (Eds). Feminist Animal Studies, Theories, practices, politics. Routledge (due Dec 1st 2021)

Taylor, N. & Fraser, H. (In process). Barbaric, feral or moral? Vegan and dairy farmer discourses on animal consumption. In Tallberg, L. & Hamilton, L. The Oxford Handbook of Animal Organization Studies: A critical reader in ethics, business and society, Oxford University Press.

Taylor, N. & Fraser, H. (In press). Who let the dogs out: power, politics and presentation studying relationships with animals. For Methods in human-animal studies, Eds Colombino, A. & Steinkruger, J.E., London, Routledge.

Taylor, N. & Fraser, H. (2021). Doing feminist, multispecies research about love and abuse from within the neoliberalised academy. In Mulligan, D.L & Danaher, P.A. (Eds). Researchers at Risk: Precarity, Jeopardy and Uncertainty in Academia. London, Springer, pp179-193.

Fraser, H. & Taylor, N. (2021). Animals as Domestic Violence Victims: A Challenge to Humanist Social Work. (Eds) Bozalek, V. & Pease, B. Post-Anthropocentric Social Work: Critical Posthumanism, New Materialisms and Affect Theory. Routledge, pp161-174.

Fraser, H. & Taylor, N. (2020). Eco-feminist & critical animal studies’ insights about social change: species, gender & class. Morley, C., Ablett, P. & Noble, C. (Eds). Educating for Social Change: Critical and Transformative Pedagogies for Social Work. Ch 21. Cambridge University Press, pp296-309.

Fraser, H. & Taylor, N. (2019). Women, Anxiety & Companion Animals: Towards and Intersectional Feminist Understanding of Interspecies Alliances of Care and Solidarity. Eds Gruen, L & Probyn-Rapsey, F. Animaladies: Gender, animals and madness. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Taylor, N. & Fraser, H. (2019). Neoliberalism, the academy and critical animal-studies educators: “The things we choose to teach are political decisions. So, embrace that”. (Ed) Trzak, A. Animal Liberation and Critical Pedagogy. New York. Lantern Books, pp.121-136.

Fraser, H. & Jarldorn, M. (2018). Helping alliances with Stigmatised, Impoverished Women in Neoliberal South Australia. (Ch 1, 11-32) Lotko. M. (Ed). Social Work Case Analysis: Global Perspective. Riga, Latvia: Riga Stradins University.

Fraser, H., Taylor, N. & Morley, C. (2017). Social work and interspecies care: an intersectional perspective on ethics, principles and practices. (Ed) Pease, B. The Politics of Caring: Towards a Critical Ethic of Care in Social Work. London, Routledge.

Michell, D. & Fraser, H. (2017). Using Feminist Memory Work with working-class women trying to complete social science degrees. (Ed) Gill, M. Sage Research Methods Cases. London, Sage.

Taylor, N. & Fraser, H. (2017). Condoned Animal Abuse in the Slaughterhouse: The Language of Life, the Discourse of Death. (179-199). (Eds) Maher, J., Pierpoint, H., Beirne, P. (Eds.) International Handbook on Animal Abuse Studies. London, Palgrave.

Fraser, H. & Jarldorn, M. (2015). Narrative Research as Resistance: A Cautionary Tale. In Brown, L. & Strega, S. Research as Resistance, 2nd edition, Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, pp. 153-175.

Fraser, H. (2015). A hooligan in the hallway? In Dee Michell, Jacqueline Z. Wilson and Verity Archer, ed. Bread and Roses: Voices of Australian Academics from the Working Class. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, pp. 139-146.

Fraser, H. & Baker, J. (2014). Innovative Teaching in Social Work with Diverse Populations, Critical Reflections from South Australia. In (eds) Nikku, B.R. and Hatta, Z.A. Social Work Education and Practice, Scholarship and Innovation in the Asia Pacific, Primrose Hall, Brisbane, pp17-34.

Fraser H. (2013). Designing Advocacy & Social Action Curriculum: Reflections from the classroom', Noble C., Henrickson M. and Han I.Y (Eds) Social Work Education, Voices from the Asia Pacific, 2nd edition, Sydney University Press, pp247-276.

Beddoe, E. & Fraser, H. (2012). Social Work in Australasia. International Handbook of Social Work, Sage, London, pp421-435

Fraser H. (2009). Designing Advocacy & Social Action Curriculum: Reflections from the classroom', Noble C., Henrickson M. and Han I.Y (eds) Social Work Education, Voices from the Asia Pacific, Vulgar Press, Carlton North, pp243-264.

Fraser, H. & Craik C. (2009). Women and Violence. In Allen, J., Pease, B., and Briskman, L. Critical Social Work,), (2nd edition) Allen and Unwin, South Melbourne pp. 228-239.

Fraser H. & McMaster K. (2009). Gender, Sex and Power' in Connolly M. and Harms L. (eds) Social Work: Contexts and Practice, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, pp81-93.

Fraser H. & Briskman L. (2005). Through the eye of a needle: The challenge of getting justice in Australia if you're Indigenous or seeking asylum. In Ferguson I. and Lavalette M. Globalisation, Global Justice and Social Work, Routledge, London, pp109-123.

Refereed articles
Taylor, N., Fraser, H. & Riggs, D.W. (2021). A case for pet-inclusive domestic violence service provision: an intersectional feminist perspective. For Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Journal.

Fraser, H., Taylor, N, & Riggs, D.W (2020). Victims/Survivors of family and domestic violence in diverse, multispecies households. QUT Centre for Justice Briefing Paper, (7), pp1-4, FRASER_H_Final_180820201_1_.pdf (

Rosenberg, S., Riggs, D.W., Taylor, N. & Fraser, H. (2020). ‘Being together really helped’: Australian transgender and non-binary people and their animal companions living through violence and marginalization. Journal of Sociology.

Fraser, H. & Taylor, N. (2020). Narrative feminist research interviewing with ‘inconvenient samples’ about sensitive topics: affect, iteration & assemblages. Qualitative Research.

Fraser, H., Bartholomaeus, C., Riggs, D.W., Taylor, N. & Rosenberg, S. (2020). Service provider recognition of trans and cisgender women of sexualities, and the significance of animal companionship. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 22(1), pp16-30,

Taylor, N., & Fraser, H. (2019). The Cow Project: Analytical and Representational Dilemmas of Dairy Farmers’ Conceptions of Cruelty and Kindness. Animals Studies Journal, 8(2), pp133-153. Available at:

Wendt, S. & Fraser, H. (2019). Promoting gender responsive support for women inmates: a case study from inside a prison. International Journal of Prisoner Health. 15(2), pp. 126-137.

Riggs, D.W., Taylor, N., Signal, T., Fraser, H. & Donovan, C. (2018). People of diverse genders and sexualities domestic violence and animal companions: An international study. Journal of Family Issues.

Taylor, N., Riggs, D.W., Donovan, C. & Fraser, H., (2018). People of Diverse Genders and/or Sexualities Caring for and Protecting Animal Companions in the Context of Domestic Violence. Violence Against Women. 39(18), pp4226-4247,

Taylor, N. & Fraser, H. (2018). Resisting sexism and speciesism in the social sciences: Using feminist, species-inclusive, visual methods to value the work of women and (other) animals. Gender, Work & Organisation, 1-15.

Riggs, D.W, Taylor, N., Fraser, H., Donovan, C. & Signal, T. (2018). The Link Between Domestic Violence and Abuse and Animal Cruelty in the Intimate Relationships of People of Diverse Genders and/or Sexualities: A Binational Study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Fraser, H., Taylor, N., Signal, T. (2017) Young people, interspecies empathy and social work: reflections from an RSPCA (Victoria) Education Program. Aotearoa/New Zealand Social Work Journal

Taylor, N., Fraser, H. & Riggs, D.W. (2017). Domestic violence and companion animals in the context of LGBT people’s relationships, Sexualities Journal.

Fraser, H. & Taylor, N. (2017). In good company: Women, companion animals and social work. Society & Animals Journal. (25)4,

Michell, D., Beddoe, E., Fraser, H. & Jarldorn, M. (2016). Solidarity and support: Feminist memory work focus groups with working-class women studying social science degrees in Australia. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 30(2), 175-189.

Fraser, H. Michell, D., Beddoe, E. & Jarldorn, M. (2016). Working-class women study social science degrees: remembering enablers and detractors. Higher Education, Research & Development Journal. 35(4), 684-697.

Riggs, D.W., Fraser, H., Taylor, N., Signal, T. & Donovan, C.(2016). Domestic violence service providers’ capacity for supporting transgender women: Findings from an Australian workshop. British Journal of Social Work, 46(8): 2374-2392.

Fraser, H. & McDougall, C. (2016). Doing narrative feminist research: intersections and challenges. Qualitative Social Work Journal, 16(2), 240-254.

Jarldorn, M., Beddoe, E., Fraser, H. & Michell, D. (2015). Planting a seed: Encouraging service users towards educational goals. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 34(8), p.921-935.

Gatwiri, G. & Fraser, H. (2015). Putting vaginal fistulas on the international social work map: A critical perspective. International Social Work Journal. First online. doi: 10.1177/0020872815594865.

Fraser, H. & Michell, D. (2014). Feminist memory work in action: Method and practicalities. Qualitative Social Work, 14(3), pp. 321-337.
Taylor, N., Fraser, H., Signal, T. and Prentice, K. (2014). Social work, animals and ethics: a case study of an animal assisted therapy program for child sex abuse victims. British Journal of Social Work. 46(1), pp.135-152.

Duvnjak, A. & Fraser, H. (2014). Targeting the 'hard to reach': re/producing stigma? Critical and Radical Social Work: An International Journal, Policy Press, Bristol, 1(2), pp167-182.

Baines, D., Cunningham, I. and Fraser, H. (2011). Constrained by Managerialism, Caring as Participation in the Social Services. Economic and Industrial Democracy Journal, 32(2), pp329-352.

Fraser, H. (2010). Shame on you: Love, shame and women victim/survivors' experiences of intimate abuse. No to Violence, 5(1), pp30-45.

Fraser, H. (2009) Trying to Complete Socially Just, Politically Sensitive Social Work Research. Journal of Social Work, 9(1), pp87-98.

Fraser H. (2005). Women, Love, and Intimacy "Gone Wrong": Fire, Wind, and Ice. Affilia: Women and Social Work, Vol. 20 (1), Sage, New York, pp10-20.

Fraser H. (2005). Four different approaches to community participation. Community Development Journal, 40(3), pp286-300.

Fraser H. (2004). Doing Narrative Research: Analysing Personal Stories Line by Line. Qualitative Social Work, 3(2), pp179-201.

Fraser H. (2003). Narrating Love and Abuse in Intimate Relationships. British Journal of Social Work, 33(1), pp273-290.

Fraser H. & Strong D. (2000). Teaching structural social work skills to beginning students. Advances in Social Work Education, 3(1), pp27-36.

Fraser H. (1999). She makes love just like a woman: romantic love and state care. Australian Social Work, 52(4), pp17-24.

Fraser H. (1999). Considering the needs of children who are exposed to domestic violence: a feminist perspective for practitioners. Women Against Violence, An Australian Feminist Journal, 34(6), pp34-40.

Fraser H. (1998). The shaping of identity: Young women and substitute care,Women in Welfare Education, 3, pp26-39.

Fraser H. (1998). Enlightening supervision in a cold and cramped workplace. Advances in Social Work Education, pp33-42.

Fraser H. (1998). Mermaids and deckhands on the relationships of love. Women Against Violence, 4, pp74-75.

Taylor, N., Fraser, H., & Riggs, D. W. (2019). Domestic violence and companion animals in the context of LGBT people’s relationships. Sexualities, 22(5-6), 821-836.

Selected media
TEDxQUT 2019 Animals in domestic violence. 26th October, 2019

Companion Animals and Domestic Violence with Heather Fraser Knowing Animals (podcast): Episode 128 , 22 mins, 25/8/19

Why is it so hard for humans to see animals as victims of domestic violence? By Hayley Gleeson, Updated 21 Mar 2019, 11:40am

Domestic violence exhibition shines light on impact on victims and their pets By Simon Royal Updated 7 Jun 2017, 3:58pm

A woman's best friend – dogs and domestic violence by University of Canterbury APRIL 4, 2019

Who rescued who? Dognitive Therapy (podcast), 39mins

All hail the rise of cat men, an antidote to toxic masculinity
By Hayley Gleeson Updated 12 Dec 2016, 10:58am
