"Working with Worms" is my current practice- based research work in progress, in collaboration with Maria Miranda. In this project, we are working with worms in a durational project a cultural exploration of their vital agency: we feed them and they transform ‘dead’ matter into live soil. This is a co-compositional art work, composed by us and the worms working together, co-composing the ground of growing and the ground of thinking.This transdisciplinary and cultural work intersects figures, processes, and understandings from art practices with those from critical animal studies and new materialism. It entangles waiting, transformation, and environmental concerns. As Rosi Braidotti reminds us, “we humans and animals are in this together,” affectively and ethically connected by care and relationships of care. No creatures will suffer in the making of this work.
With this project, Norie Neumark and Maria Miranda have been accepted in 2017 as Affiliated Researchers of the Seed Box: A Mistra-Formas Environmental Humanities Laboratory based at Linköping University, Sweden.