Call for Submissions: Critical Animal Studies Perspectives on COVID-19

Animal Studies Journal Special Issue: Edited by Chloe Taylor, Kelly Struthers Montford and Eva Kasprzycka From its genesis to its impacts, animal advocates and critical animal studies scholars have observed that the COVID-19 pandemic, and other zoonotic disease epidemics that have preceded it, highlight the devastating repercussions of human exploitation of other animals, and the […]

New Issue: Animal Studies Journal available online

The latest issue of the Animal Studies Journal is now available online go to: or click on the links below to take you directly to the articles. Current Issue: Volume 9, Number 1 (2020) Animal Studies Journal 2020 9(1): Cover Page, Table of Contents, Editorial and Contributor BiographiesMelissa Boyde A Multispecies Doula Approach to […]

CFP: Animality and Textuality (Word and Text)

CALL FOR PAPERSWord and Text: A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguisticsspecial issue Animality and TextualityGuest editor: Rodolfo Piskorski In “But as for me, who am I (following)?”, the second section of The Animal That Therefore I Am, Jacques Derrida contextualises his interest in a certain passage in Plato’s Phaedrus as a systematic interest in what […]

Call for Chapters: Animal History and the Common Good

Chapter proposals invited for an edited collection, Animal History and the Common Good. Over the last month or so, we’ve seen plenty of discussion in public and academic contexts of the sad irony that the fiftieth anniversary of the first Earth Day was marked by a global pandemic. Speakers and writers have drawn our attention to […]

New publications:

Alex Blanchette, Porkopolis: American Animality, Standardized Life, and the Factory Farm (Duke UP, 2020): Eva Giraud, What Comes After Entanglement: Activism, Anthropocentrism, and an Ethics of Exclusion (Duke UP, 2019): Andrew A. Robichaud, Animal City: The Domestication of America (Harvard UP, 2019): Gregory S. McElwain. Mary Midgley: An Introduction (Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2020):   Kenneth Valpey, Cow Care in Hindu Animal Ethics (Palgrave Macmillan Animal […]

CFP: ‘Developing Feminist Animal Studies: Critical Perspectives on Food and Eating’

We are looking for chapter proposals for an edited volume “Developing feminist animal studies: critical perspectives on food and eating”. The book is offered for publication in the Critical Animal Studies series of Brill. If you are interested in contributing to this book, please submit an abstract (maximum 250 words), along with a brief bio […]

CFP: Special Issue ‘Therapies Incorporating Horses’

Human Animal Interaction (HAI) Section of the American Psychological Association has issued a Call for Papers for a special issue covering “Therapies Incorporating Horses to Benefit People: What are They and How are They Distinct?” The deadline for manuscript submittal is November 30, 2020. Please direct any inquiries (e.g., suitability, format, scope, etc.) about this special issue […]

CFP: Special Issue ‘Dogs and Conservation’

The Journal of Vertebrate Biology is pleased to announce an upcoming Special Issue, “Dogs and conservation: current and emerging considerations,” with Guest Editors Dr. K. Whitehouse-Tedd (Nottingham Trent University, UK), Dr. N. Richards and Dr. M. Parker (both from Working Dogs for Conservation, USA). The deadline is March 31, 2020. Contact: and CC the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Carl Smith.

New Books, Journals and Chapters

Books: Broom, D.M. and Johnson, K.G. (2019). Stress and Animal Welfare: Key Issues in the Biology of Humans and Other Animals, 2nd ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. Denworth, Lydia. (2020). Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life’s Fundamental Bond. New York: Norton. Guest, Kristen and Mattfield, Monica. (2019). Horse Breeds and Human Society: Purity, Identity and […]