Call for Submissions: Critical Animal Studies Perspectives on COVID-19

Call for Submissions: Critical Animal Studies Perspectives on COVID-19

Animal Studies Journal Special Issue: Edited by Chloe Taylor, Kelly Struthers Montford and Eva Kasprzycka

From its genesis to its impacts, animal advocates and critical animal studies scholars have observed that the COVID-19 pandemic, and other zoonotic disease epidemics that have preceded it, highlight the devastating repercussions of human exploitation of other animals, and the interlocking of human and animal oppressions. This special topics issue of Animal Studies Journal will collect critical animal studies scholarship and creative work that explore these connections. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

The history of zoonotic diseases and COVID-19; Live animal markets; COVID-19 and racism; COVID-19 and class oppression; Slaughterhouse workers and meat boycotts/ labour and animal liberation coalitions; COVID-19 and prisons; Ecofeminist perspectives on COVID-19.

Submissions should be 4000-6000 words for articles, and 1000-5000 words for creative works.

The deadline for submissions is January 4, 2021. Authors will receive decisions by March 1, 2021, and final versions of accepted articles will be due by April 1, 2021.

Authors should follow the Animal Studies Journal online submission process to submit their articles. For information on Animal Studies Journal, their policies, manuscript preparation guidelines, and the submission process, please visit:

If you have questions about this issue, please send a message to

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