CFP – Researching Ethically with (other) Animals in the Humanities and Social Sciences
13 September 2019, Deakin Downtown, Melbourne Invited speakers [more speakers TBC] Prof. Fiona Probyn Rapsey, University of Wollongong Associate Professor Grazyna Zadjow, Chair of Human Research Ethics, Deakin UniversitySara Paradowski, Manager, Deakin Research Integrity Research and scholarship focusing on nonhuman animals in the Humanities and Social sciences is of increasing importance in Australia, as it […]
CONFERENCE AT BROCK UNIVERSITY, NOVEMBER 21-22, 2019 (Pond Inlet) Sponsored by Department of Sociology, Brock University; Niagara Action for Animals; Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada. Dancing Fox, Ohara Shoson, 1877-1945 Our relations with canids are particularly intense: we welcome some into our homes as family members but others are regarded as demonic […]
Intertwinements: Writing about birds; writing about the planet by Dr Joshua Lobb

My novel is about many things. I’ve called it “a novel in twelve stories” for a reason. To give you the simplest framework: It’s made up of 12 related stories. Each story describes an encounter with a different species of bird. Some are constantly in our lives, like kookaburras in our garden or magpies who […]
Call for Chapters: Animals and Race
Animals and Race — Edited collection, by Jonathan W. Thurston When Iago informs Brabantio that “a black ram is tupping your white ewe” (I.i.87-88) in Shakespeare’s Othello, he is doing more than identifying the two protagonists’ races. He is referring to the early modern agricultural fact that black wool was undesirable, as per Leonard Mascall, and […]
CFP: BASN meeting Movements
The British Animal Studies Network’s upcoming meeting, ‘Movements,’ will be held at the University of Leeds on November 22-23, under the direction of Lourdes Orozco, Jonathan Saha and Tom Tyler. If you are interested in giving a paper addressing the topic ‘Movements’ from whatever disciplinary perspective please submit your title, with an abstract of no more than […]
CFP: Animal Ethics: Questioning the Orthodoxy
The interdisciplinary journal Animals invites submissions to a special issue on the following topic: Animal Ethics: Questioning the Orthodoxy. Guest editors: Herwig Grimm and Susana Monsó (Messerli Research Institute Vienna). Deadline for submissions: September 30.It has become commonplace to refer to the success of animal ethics and the animal turn in philosophy. Since Singer and Regan published their […]
CFP: Special Issue Proposal for Environment and Planning E
Guest editors: Yamini Narayanan (Deakin) and Krithika Srinivasan (Edinburgh) In the last few years in India, cows have been mobilised prominently in efforts to ‘restore’ the geophysical Indian state as a Hindurashtra, or a racially ‘pure’ Hindu nation. The ‘protection’ of the cow, an animal paired with upper-caste Brahmins in certain interpretations of Hindu scriptures, has […]
Award/workshop on ending factory farming – call for submissions of recent writing
NYU Animal Studies is thrilled to announce that we are now accepting submissions for a new award and workshop on ending factory farming. We invite graduate students and early career faculty (i.e., faculty within 5 years of graduation) in any field to submit new or recent (i.e., unpublished or published within one year of submission) work […]
1 Year position: Visiting Assistant Professor of Animal Studies Eckerd College invites applications for a one-year visiting position in Animal Studies to start in Fall 2019. Candidates should have an M.S. or Ph.D. in animal studies or a related field of study with emphasis on animals, and a commitment to the liberal arts. We seek an applicant committed to excellence in undergraduate teaching. […]
Call for grant applications: Postdoc research in the intersection of ecology and wild animal welfare
Animal Ethics is offering a Postdoc Research opportunity (read below or click here) Research on wild animal welfare is growing, though it is still significantly behind similar work carried out about domesticated animals. In addition, it often focuses on the welfare of captive wild animals rather than animals living outside human control, either in wild […]