CFP: Canadian Animal Law Conference – Learning from the past, looking to the future

October 4 – 6, 2019SCHULICH SCHOOL OF LAW, Dalhousie UniversityHalifax, Nova ScotiaOctober 4 – 6,  2019 –  Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Featuring a keynote address by Professor Peter Singer, author of Animal Liberation  The field of animal law in Canada has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. Law schools across the […]

News: Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law

The Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law will officially be launched on 26 April 2019 Why animal rights law? The welfare of animals has been on moral, social, and legal agenda since the 19th century, and many countries have made significant progress in passing animal welfare legislation. The concept of animal rights as such has […]

Fellowships: Burning Questions Fellowship Award

Fellowships to tackle problem of global industrial food animal production. • The fellowships are meant primarily for academic researchers (including independent scholars) interested in helping to address negative impacts of global industrial food animal production (especially in low- and middle-income countries).•  All applicants must hold PhD/doctoral degree or be enrolled in PhD/doctoral programs.• There are […]