AASA Masterclass: Creative Non-Fiction in Animal Studies: An Afternoon with Professor Danielle Celermajer

AASA Masterclass: Creative Non-Fiction in Animal Studies: An Afternoon with Professor Danielle Celermajer

2-4pm, Tuesday 20th July 2020

Summertime: Reflections on a vanishing future

Some of the best work in animal studies engages readers through compelling and creative story telling about the relations between humans, animals and environments. In this masterclass, Professor Danielle Celermajer, author of the critically acclaimed work Summertime: Reflections on a Vanishing Future (Penguin 2021), will explore creative non-fiction as an approach in making sense of more-than-human worlds. Participants will have an opportunity to read sections of Summertime, and also to workshop their own creative non-fiction writing or experiment with this form.

This is an interactive online event, presented by the Australasian Animal Studies Association (AASA), and is aimed at higher degree and early career researchers interested in animal studies. This masterclass will be chaired by Dr Laura Jean McKay, author of the novel The Animals in That Country (Scribe 2020), winner of the 2021 Victorian Prize for Literature. 

Registration Cost
Members AASA – Free
Non-Members AASA– $60 waged; $15 unwaged

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