CFP: Pathogenic entanglements and multispecies encounters: what narratives for what responsibilities

CFP: Pathogenic entanglements and multispecies encounters: what narratives for what responsibilities

A call is out for presentations for a panel on “Pathogenic entanglements and multispecies encounters: what narratives for what responsibilities?” at the forthcoming Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK & Commonwealth Annual Conference, ASA 2020: RESPONSIBILITY, which will take place at the University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland, 24-27 August 2020.

Abstract: The One Health agenda seeks to redress excessive anthropocentrism in disease-management but creates new biopolitical hierarchies of pets and pests. What responsibilities—as causality and accountability—are framed and contested in narratives of pathogenic multispecies entanglements? Contact: Rosie Sims or Emmanuelle Roth.

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