Conferences in 2019

Conferences in 2019

Here’s some of the wonderful conferences taking place in 2019 around the globe.  Please let me know if we’ve missed anything –

Graduate Workshop: Knowing Through Animals: The Animal Turn in History of Science. February 2, Center for Science and Society, Columbia University. For more information, email

Public Values in Conflict with Animal Agribusiness Practice. February 23, UCLA Law School.

Canadian Animal Policy Symposium, March 1, Vancouver, BC.

Living with Animals/Living with Horses. March 21-23, Eastern Kentucky University.

Animal/Language: An Interdisciplinary Conference. March 21-23, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. Please submit all questions to

British Animal Studies Network Meeting: Emotion. April 26-27, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Beastly Modernisms, September 12-13 University of Glasgow Scotland.  See CFP:

Maritime Animals: Telling Stories of Animals at sea. April 26-27, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, UK.

ANIMAL REMAINS: Biennial Conference of The University of Sheffield Animal Studies Research Centre (ShARC). April 29-30th, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Animals and the Home. May 1, Institute of Historical Research, London, UK.

6th Conference of the European Association for Critical Animal Studies (EACAS): “Rethinking revolution: Nonhuman animals, antispeciesism and power. May 22-24, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.


Sex and Nature: 1800-2018. June 10-11, University of Exeter
Decolonizing Animals: AASA 2019. June 30 — July 3, Ōtautahi/Christchurch, Aotearoa/New Zealand.
The International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) 2019 conference: Animals in the Public Eye: Interactions and Perceptions of Animals. July 1-4, Orlando, Florida.  See call for papers Abstract submissions are currently being accepted. All submissions are due by Friday, February 8, 2019. Click here to preview a PDF of the submission form to see the information needed for submission. Submit abstracts online here: abstract submission form. For more information, visit
Animal Rights and Animal Politics in Asia: International Convention of Asian Scholars(ICAS 11). July 16-19, University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands.
APA Summit for Animals. August 8-11, Chicago.
Arts of Coexistence – Care and Survival in the Sixth Extinction. Workshop of the Working Group HOLB (Humans and Other Living Beings) of the European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA). May 2-3, Oslo School of Environmental Humanities (OSEH), University of Oslo (UiO), Norway CFP: Recognising that our planet has entered a time of immense ecological devastation, this workshop invites papers that work creatively with the concept of care. The workshop explores diverse forms of care across difference that people develop (or fail to develop) in order to save species from disappearance. How are ways of coexistence threatened, erased, but also still maintained in the age of the sixth extinction? Specifically, we are interested in work that conceptualises and explores skills, practices and ideas of care in multispecies, interspecies and more-than-human contexts. In addition, we invite research that reaches beyond ideas such as species and organic life, to encompass also practices of care for land and landscapes, for ecosystems, for machines, infrastructure, the dead, spirits, concepts, history and the past, the future, for the world itself. Papers may address topics such as intervention, sustainment, maintenance, repair, collaboration, remediation, restoration or survival. What forms of care are the chaos and violence of the present moment calling forth? What are their limits? What are their risks and dangers, their potential for destruction? How does care travel, how may it be transposed to novel objects, settings and domains? How is care undone, destroyed, eradicated – and how can it be restored? How can we as researchers root our practice, and our commitments, in forms of care that do justice to the future? What are the possibilities of more-than-human care? The disciplinary scope of the workshop is open, encompassing anthropology as well as cognate disciplines such as human geography, cultural studies, history of science, science and technology studies, sociology, media studies, archaeology and so on. We also welcome artists and other practitioners whose work engages with the topics of the workshop, and who are interested in contributing through performance, installations, photography etc. If you are interested in participating, please send a title and abstract (500 words) to is by 28 February 2019. Draft papers must be pre-circulated to participants by 15 April. There may be some limited funding available for EASA members for travel and accommodation costs, please let us know if you require this.
Thanks to the Animals&Society Institute for compiling this wonderful listing.

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