“Animals are born, are sentient and are mortal. In these things they resemble man. … in their habits, in their time, in their physical capacities, they differ from man. They are both alike and unlike.” (John Berger, Why Look at Animals?)
The relationship between animals and humans is complex, varied and a long one that has spanned millennia, adapting and metamorphosing, in a physical as well as metaphoric and imaginative capacity. This competition invites submissions of work that respond to the Seeing with Animals conference theme, Co-existence, however you express and represent the relationship between animal and man. Works produced in all media are welcome – please see below for submission and exhibition information.
Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) will host the third biennial Living with Animals conference on March 22-26, 2017. For the first time Living with Animals will have a special conference component called Seeing with Animals, which will be devoted directly to key issues in the discourse surrounding animals and imagery. EKU is located in Richmond KY, just south of Lexington, ‘The Horse Capital of the World.’
From March 22-25, 2017, selected artworks will be digitally displayed during the Living with Animals/Seeing with Animals (LwA/SwA) Conference at Eastern Kentucky University in the Perkins Conference Center and will also be included in an exhibition booklet.
Entries due: December 12, 2016
(Late submissions will be accepted, although the selection process takes place mid-December)
Notice of acceptance: January 4, 2017
Successful artists’ submission of high quality images/video files: January 11, 2017
Exhibition dates: March 22-25, 2017
Up to 6 artworks: $24 USD
Please make your payment for the entry fee on the Living with Animals conference registration page. If you are interested in entering the exhibition and are not planning to attend the conference, then you will select (1) for Co-Existence Art Exhibition Entry Fee: and pay $24.00 USD. After you pay the entry fee, send your artwork submissions to seeingwithanimals2017@gmail.com
If you plan to attend the conference, then you must also pay the conference registration fee; this can be paid at a later date.
Works in all media that successfully address the exhibition’s central theme will be considered for this exhibition, including video works, no longer than 5 minutes in duration. You may submit any combination of images or video links, up to a total of six. Please submit high quality digital documentation of any non-photographic work.
All work to be submitted via: seeingwithanimals2017@gmail.com
Submission Guidelines:
1) Images must be sized at 1280 pixels on the longest edge (avoid making images smaller than 1280).
2) Image resolution is 72 pixels per inch to match native screen resolution. For the selection process, images will be viewed on a monitor.
3) Save images as a .jpg using the highest quality that keeps the file size under 2mb.
4) All files must be titled with last name and first name of the artist, plus the image number, (e.g. Lopez_Maria_1.jpg or Doe_John_1.jpg.).
5) Image color profile must be sRGB or Grayscale.
6) Video submissions must be provided via a working link to view online.
(e.g. http://vimeo.com/lekhapatel/video_title)
7) Provide a numbered list of all images and include the artist’s name, title of work, medium, date of work and dimensions for each as a Word document (.doc or .docx).
8) Also include a short (150 word) artist statement and website link if available, in Word document format (.doc and .docx). If accepted, this information will be printed in the exhibition booklet.
For inquiries regarding performance pieces and site specific installations to be performed/installed during the conference, please contact the exhibition organizers at seeingwithanimals2017@gmail.com
Visit: https://seeingwithanimals.wordpress.com
http://livingwithanimals.eku.edu | Email: seeingwithanimals2017@gmail.com
Julia Schlosser
Lecturer, History and Practice of Photography
California State University, Northridge
Julia Schlosser is a Los Angeles based artist, art historian, and educator. Her artwork elucidates the multilayered relationships formed between people and their pets. Her writing and research interests focus on contemporary photographic artwork that depicts animals’ lives and deaths. Her photographs will be included in Antennae’s upcoming issue entitled Exposing Animals and in Mourning Animals: Rituals and Practices Surrounding Animal Death edited by Margo DeMello, Michigan State University Press, 2016.
Alexandra Murphy
Senior Lecturer, Photography
University of Northampton, UK
Alexandra Murphy is a photographer based in Cambridgeshire, England. Her research and project work explores the dialectical relationship between the photograph and the museum specimen and its defiance of what Sigmund Freud termed the death-drive. In August 2015, Alexandra was awarded funding from the Royal Photographic Society for her current project at the Natural History Museum, London. This project explores the constructed museological space through the salt print, one of the earliest methods of preserving the photographic image to light.