The Art of the Animal: Fourteen Women Artists Explore “The Sexual Politics of Meat”

The Art of the Animal: Fourteen Women Artists Explore “The Sexual Politics of Meat”

Eds. Kathryn Eddy , Janell O’Rourke and L.A. Watsonart of animal

Featuring work by the editors, Nava Atlas, Sunaura Taylor, Yvette Watt, Angela Singer, Hester Jones, Suzy Gonzalez, Renee Lauzon, Olaitan Callender-Scott, Patricia Denys, Maria Lux, and lynn mowson, The Art of the Animal explores contemporary women artists’ engagement with how women and animals are depicted and treated. The book was inspired by The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist Vegetarian Critical Theory by Carol J. Adams, who has written an afterword. The foreword is by Keri Cronin, Associate Professor in the Visual Arts Department at Brock University, Canada. Carolyn Merino Mullin, director of the Museum of Animals and Society in Los Angeles, for which the book serves as a catalog for an exhibition of the artists’ work in Fall 2015, has also contributed an essay.

The book was launched in Australia at the AASA Conference ‘Animal Publics’.

Lantern Press, 2015

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