Inaugural AASA Prizes Awarded

On the last day of the AASA2021 Conference: Flourishing Animals, we met to award the two new AASA Prizes: The 2021 AASA Journal Article by an Early Career Researcher Prize This prize recognises excellence in the work of early-career researchers. The prize is focused on the work of scholars in the production of scholarly […]
Last week to register for AASA2021: Flourishing Animals

AASA2021: Flourishing Animals starts on the 30th October and runs through till the 2nd December. The conference is virtual, and all information is over on our conference website, hosted by ArtsFront. Registrations will close at 5pm AEDT, Monday 29th October. Registration is FREE to members, or the same cost as our membership fee AUD$60 for […]
Animail – AASA members magazine – latest issue out now

AASA members will have received their copies of the new format Animail today. Edited by Rowena Lennox, the issue has interviews with two of the keynote speakers for the forthcoming AASA2021: Flourishing Animals Conference, as well as an artwork in focus, information about AASA, the conference and a wonderful selection of new books in the […]
CFP: Animal Studies Journal Special Issue ‘Flourish’ deadline 5 December

Coinciding with and complementing the Australasian Animal Studies Association’s 2021 online conference ‘Flourishing Animals’ [see], Animal Studies Journal invites contributions to a special issue on this theme. AASA’s conference focus emphasises the importance of nonhuman animal resilience, flourishing and vitality despite the current interrelated threats posed by anthropogenic crises and ongoing colonial power structures. […]
Call for Papers: #ECPG21 Fundamental Challenges to European Politics: Gender, Race, Intersectionality, and the More-Than-Human
Call for Papers for the #ECPG21 (European Conference on Politics and Gender, 7-9 July 2021, University of Ljubljana). Due 29 November, 2020. At the dawn of the Anthropocene, the category of the human (the “anthropos” of the new era) needs to be critically examined. This need goes against the dominant tendencies in political theory and […]
Harvard Animal Law & Policy Program Fellowships 2021-2022
Harvard Law School’s Animal Law & Policy Program is now accepting Visiting Fellow applications for the 2021-22 Academic Year. The deadline to submit applications is January 15, 2021. The Animal Law & Policy Visiting Fellowships provide opportunities for outstanding scholars from a range of disciplines and legal practitioners to spend from three months to one academic year undertaking research, writing, […]
Call for Chapters/Short Stories: Radical Intimacies: A Multispecies Politics of Care and Kinship
Due: 1 December 2020 Editors: Yamini Narayanan (Deakin University) and Kathryn Gillespie (University of Kentucky) Intimate forms of connection and care are ubiquitous in multispecies relationships, and they become legitimate forms of knowledge in fleeting moments of encounter as well as in the course of lifetimes lived together care-fully. This edited collection centers these latter forms of intimacy […]
Update from the AGM
The Australasian Animal Studies Association held it’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday 8 October. The Committee said farewell to: Melissa Boyde: AASA membership and the Committee formally extends its thanks to Melissa Boyde for leading the Association during the 2019/2020 year. Melissa has had a long association with AASA, and is one of the driving forces […]
Call for Papers: European Society for Environmental History Conference
The submission deadline is 31st October 2020. European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) is hosting its biennial conference, themed “Same planet, different worlds: environmental histories imagining anew” at the University of Bristol, UK July 5-9, 2021. Proposals are invited that move from the premise of an entangled world: first and foremost enmeshed in a global pandemic, a […]
Call for Papers: Sinophone Literature and the Environmental Humanities
Tamkang Review, Special Issue, June 2021.Due 30 November, 2020. In their introduction to The Environmental Humanities (MIT Press, 2017), the authors Robert S. Emmett and David E. Nye sum up the state of affairs of the planet. They repeat what many other environmentalist thinkers and activists are reporting and supporting with scientific evidence: species extinction […]