Australasian Animal Studies Association


David Brooks ‘Roogate’
Shot under cover of darkness, buried in mass graves in the forest. But this isn’t Srebrenica in 1995, this isn’t Poland in 1942. The shooters aren’t rogue militants or members of the SS. They are sub-contractors paid by the government of the Australian Capital Territory, and the victims are not humans but a different species of animal.

Rottnest Island’s Quokkas

Donelle Gadenne ‘From Celebrity Selfies to Sadistic Cruelty: The Paradoxical Life of Rottnest Island’s Quokkas’
Use a popular internet search engine to type in ‘quokka’ and you will discover a plethora of stories about a species of small marsupial inhabiting Rottnest Island (Wadjemup), situated approximately 18 kilometres from Perth, Western Australia.